Remote Control Valves for Pilot Operation CPVL106
CPVL Pilot Control Valves is part of the comprehensive range of HYDRECO
product, and with the inclusion of electrical and mechanical detent is designed specifically for Wheeled
Loader applications. The product is supported by an extensive range of control curve characteristics and handles options,
and can be supplied to control either two service or three service loader applications.
Single & dual axis R.C.V. for loaders
Type: Hydraulic valve
Control: Hand operated
Axis: Dual axis
Handles opt.: Knob, Straight lever, MFE
Design: monoblock valve
Ports: 6 ports

Remote Control Valves for Pilot Operation HPV
HPV pilot control valves with their single lever dual axis control, and supported by an extensive range of control curve characteristics and handle options, makes it suitable for a wide range of both mobile and industrial applications.
Type: Hydraulic valve
Control: Hand operated
Axis: Dual axis
Handles opt.: Knob, Straight lever, MFE
Design: monoblock valve
Ports: 4 ports

Remote Control Valves for Pilot Operation HPV2
A very precise, dual axis remote control, for the progressive operation of two services either individually or in combination with each other.
Type: Hydraulic valve
Control: Hand operated
Axis: Dual axis
Handles opt.: Knob, Straight lever, MFE, MFE2 and EXM
Design: monoblock valve
Ports: 4 ports

Remote Control Valves for Pilot Operation HPVB, HPVE
New monoblock pilot valves with 1(HPVE) or 2(HPVB) control levers that replaces PRSVE and PRSVB
Type: Hydraulic valve
Control: Hand operated
Axis: Single axis
Handles opt.: Knob,
Design: monoblock valve
Ports: 2-4 ports

Remote Control Valves for Pilot Operation HPVL, SPVL
A very precise remote control for the progressive operation of a main control valve, either with individual levers (SPVL), or with a dual axis joystick for individual or simultaneous control of two services (HPVL). Magnetic detents are fitted, making the valve suitable for wheeled loader applications.
Single & dual axis R.C.V. for loaders
Type: Hydraulic valve
Control: Hand operated
Axis: Dual axis
Handles opt.: Knob, Straight lever, MFE
Design: monoblock valve
Ports: 4-6 ports

Remote Control Valves for Pilot Operation HPVM
A very precise remote control valve with individual lever control with the advantage of being able to bank the units together.
Compact and light weight. Suitable for arm rest of console mounting. Compatible with a wide range of product. Stylish good looks suitable for modern cabs. Operator is insulated from high temperature components. Proven, simple pressure reducing elements. Wide range of low hysteresis, high accuracy, pressure control curves
Wide range of electrical options in both standard and multi-functional ergonomic handles. Low effort lever control.
Sectional pilot valves
Type: Hydraulic valve
Control: Hand operated
Axis: Single axis
Handles opt.: Knob, Straight lever,
Design: Sectional valve
Ports: 4 – 26 ports

Remote Control Valves for Pilot Operation HPVS
These single lever dual axis hydraulic pilot control are supported by an extensive range of control curve characteristics and handle
options. It makes them suitable for a wide range of both mobile and industrial applications.
Compact and light weight. Suitable for arm rest of console mounting. Compatible with a wide range of product
Stylish good looks suitable for modern cabs. Operator is insulated from high temperature components. Proven, simple pressure reducing elements
Wide range of low hysteresis, high accuracy, pressure control curves. Wide range of electrical options in both standard and multi-functional ergonomic handles. Low effort lever control.
Single axis pilot valves
Type: Hydraulic valve
Control: Hand operated
Axis: Single axis
Handles opt.: Knob, Straight lever,
Design: monoblock valve
Ports: 2 ports